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新媒体是信息社会发展的产物,具有促进社会各方面发展的优势因素,高校党员理论学习在新媒体时代的背景下更应积极引入相关因素,促进党务工作的建设,增强党员的党性觉悟.笔者采用SWOT分析法,对新媒体参与高校党员理论学习的优势因素、劣势因素、机遇、挑战进行分析研究,制定了SO、ST策略,以期对实践的发展有所贡献.  相似文献   
改革开放以来,大连市确立并坚持实施“外向牵动”、“开放引领”等经济发展战略,逐步形成了全方位多层次宽领域的对外开放格局,初步建立起开放型经济体系。依托这一体系,全市国际贸易快速发展,出口商品结构不断优化,境外投资持续增加,服务贸易逐渐扩大。大连市要引导开放向纵深发展,必须在强化原有重点园区开放效应的基础上,抓住自由贸易区建设的机遇,构建对外开放新平台,促成梯次开放格局。“构建开放型经济新体制”是党的十八届三中全会部署的改革重点任务之一。大连市如何立足区位优势,抢抓战略机遇,进一步优化投资和贸易管理体制,建立健全相关政策体系,培育有序、透明、法治化的营商环境,引导开放向纵深发展,赢取对外开放的新优势,成为大连市全面落实三中全会改革部署的重要任务。  相似文献   
新世纪以来的口语写作存在着去修辞化的倾向,不少口语诗人不在语言修辞上下功夫,只是一味直用口语、倚重叙事或者依赖反讽,从而造成了诗歌语言的单薄和想象空间的狭窄。去修辞化的口语写作,既无法充分挖掘现代汉语的语言潜能,又无法构建丰富多样的艺术世界,同时也对百年新诗的艺术形象造成了一定损伤。因此,对这种去修辞化的诗歌写作倾向加以反思和批判是非常必要的。  相似文献   
河北省新型城镇化现状分析与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河北省城镇化化经历了缓慢发展与快速增长两个阶段,虽取得了较大成就,但整体上仍较为落后,其主要问题在于城镇化进程滞后、质量不高、资源环境问题突出、土地城镇化与人口城镇化矛盾凸显、城乡差距依然较大,所以新型城镇化是河北省现代化的必然选择,这就要求加快新型“四化”发展;强化产业支撑,优化城乡空间布局和形态;加快农业转移人口市民化,促进新型城镇化的内涵式发展;提高城镇规划建设与管理水平,弥补公共服务短板;统筹城乡一体化发展,创新体制机制。  相似文献   
新媒体对社会舆情具有双重影响:一方面,公众可以借此学习各种知识,关注社会发展,推动社会进步;另一方面,新媒体使日常舆论引导难度逐渐增大,政府公信力受到影响,网络信息安全面临挑战。面对此种情况,针对新媒体认识不足等突出问题,廊坊市应采取有效措施,优化社会舆论环境,建立新媒体舆情监测预警系统,科学调解控制社会舆情,拓宽公众表达渠道,促进社会政治经济健康发展。  相似文献   
由材料发展引发的一系列关于建筑装饰设计创新的概念,其主要的目的就是更好将建筑装饰设计与材料运用结合起来。只有通过建筑装饰材料的更新与发展,才能达到将建筑装饰设计艺术、技术结合起来快速发展的目标。从建筑装饰材料发展的历史入手,分析建筑装饰材料使用现状,结合材料特性、绿色环保、智能材料、节能材料、低碳等角度对未来材料的可能性发展方向及其对建筑装饰设计的影响进行探讨,总结归纳材料发展对建筑装饰设计影响的一般性规律,促进建筑装饰设计文化的发展与繁荣,营造宜居人居环境。  相似文献   
This study explores the ideological contentions about peace behind the contrasting projections of Mao Zedong’s images, especially his standard portraits, and photos of him and Western leaders (including those of the Soviet Union directly or indirectly). The analyses focus on the complicated spectatorship of Mao Zedong’s images in the international activisms that were intended to change the political power structure of the world. This involves the contradictory visualisations from both the socialist and capitalist ideologies. From Nixon’s visits to Mao Zedong and Gorbachev’s visit to the Portrait of Mao Zedong in the 1989 student movement, the concepts of nationalism and internationalism, new world order, and Mao Zedong’s theories of contradiction and three worlds are examined to better understand the visual realities of ‘peaceful evolution’.  相似文献   
相对一般的技术创新,高新技术创新有其独有的一些特点,这些特点决定了文化对高新技术创新具有重要作用。高新技术创新的文化路径包括观念文化路径、制度文化路径和行动文化路径三个方面。基于文化视角优化高新技术创新的政策选择,完善我国科技政策,有助于推动高新技术的进一步创新。  相似文献   
张淑芳 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):76-82,123-124
The New Rural Cooperative Medi-cal System ( hereafter NRCMS) in Tibetan areas of Sichuan was started in Wenchuan in 2005 , and by 2008 covered all of the province’s Tibetan areas. This paper studies the effects of the NRCMS on im-proving the health of and alleviating poverty for farmers and herdsmen in Tibetan area of Sichuan. Most parts of the Tibetan areas of Sichuan are located in high altitude districts. Thirty two coun-ties of these areas are classified as “National Pov-erty Counties”. Poverty and disease go hand in hand in these regions. Kashin-Beck disease and hydatid disease are the major endemics in the pas-toral and agro-pastoral areas of Sichuan. Endemic, infectious and chronic diseases are widespread in Sichuan’s Tibetan areas. More than 70% of pa-tients are workers from 20 to 60 years old. Disea-ses are more prevalent in women than in men. Kashin-Beck disease and hydatid disease are cur-rently incurable. Patients suffer from health prob-lems, which leads to a decrease in their income and the heavy burden of medical expenses. The new rural cooperative medical system alleviates the negative effects of farmers’ falling into, or back in-to poverty due to disease. However, the existing medical compensation mechanism is not sufficient to solve the problem. The greatest impact of NRCMS on the farmers and herdsmen in Sichuan’s Tibetan areas is that the system has gradually changed local people’s medi-cal behavior, as well as their underlying ideas a-bout medicine: they begin to believe in hospitals. In particular, more pregnant women are choosing to give birth in hospitals, which reduces the rate of infant mortality and postpartum diseases, and im-proves the health of women. Since the full coverage of the NRCMS in 2008 , the number of people participating in the system has reached the overall average level of Si-chuan province. By analyzing the data before and after the implementation of this system, and meas-uring the impact of the system on people’s health, it can be found that the NRCMS’s role in serving the vulnerable population, such as the elderly and infant children, is more marked. Since the implementation of the NRCMS, all administrative villages in Sichuan Tibetan areas have established village clinics, which solved the problem of a shortage of medicines and doctors in those areas. Farmers and herdsmen have conven-ient access to medical treatment, enhancing the ac-cessibility of medical service. After the implemen-tation of the NRCMS, the health of the elderly population in rural areas has improved. Infant mor-tality rates have dramatically fallen. The implementation of the NRCMS improved the medical service capacity of township hospitals and village clinics. And the NRCMS has brought the township hospitals and village clinics into its scope of compensation, which greatly promotes the utilization of primary medical services in Tibetan areas. The poverty reduction effect of the NRCMS can be analyzed from two aspects:Firstly, the im-
provement in health leads to increased income, be-cause good health can promote labor productivity. Meanwhile, the increase in income will in turn im-prove the overall level of health. Secondly, the in-patient and outpatient compensation rate is raised year by year, which reduces the medical fees of farmers, and prevents them from falling back into poverty.  相似文献   
平等是一个非常复杂和抽象的范畴,西方法学对平等理论的热爱和追逐从未停止过,从古典自然法学追求的抽象的平等的政治理想,到新自然法学对平等的制度设计的现实关怀,平等理论随着自然法学的发展实现了其自身的嬗变,这种改变也是时代的要求、历史的必然。  相似文献   
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